Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another new day has given us hope to live independently. There are so many possibilities to live off the grid, however there is so much that can still be accomplished with doing so. Living off the grid basically means to detach your normal everyday way living by generating most or all of your living needs. First and foremost is the need to generate utilities. Solar, wind, and hydro are the principle ways to generate your off the grid power supply. More on this later. In addition to creating a sustainable power source, we will have to take a look back at how our grandparents and their parents used to live. Gardening and harvesting a food source is essential. It is also something that in todays world has become a lost trade skill. We want to bring this back to subsidize our living needs and help educate others in our community so that they can do the same. In general, this way of life is a happier, healthier way to live. All with reducing our carbon footprint. Read more post to follow our story and learn ways you too can help yourself and the environment.

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